The Grass is Greener Where you Water it.
In a Catholic Marriage ceremony, the bride and groom exchange solemn promises with one another that form a covenant bond between them. The bride and groom exchange promises to be faithful to one another, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love and honor one another. The couple also promises to enter a permanent relationship, which lasts “all the days of our life.” Modern psychological research has demonstrated that the pillars of a lasting marriage are commitment and trust. A Catholic Marriage ceremony dramatically highlighted these values. When we think about commitment in Marriage, we need to realize that commitment grows slowly over time. Commitment is an act of the will, a firm decision to value our partner above others. We must do this in both difficult traumatic times, and in mundane busy times. Our commitment carries us forward. Trust is also something that builds slowly, as we experience our partner being trustworthy. We build trust with our husband o...